Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Title: The first thing I thought about when I was making my blog was the title.  I wanted it to be something that fit my personality because this blog is supposed to represent who I am as a person.  I chose the title "The Blissful Blogger" for a couple reasons.  To start off, my name starts with a B and it's a blog so I knew I wanted an adjective that started with a B to be in the name.  I thought blissful was a good fit because I find myself to be a generally happy person.

Template: I centered the design of my blog around the title.  The title I chose was "The Blissful Blogger" so I thought the layout should look girly and happy.  I chose a dark background because the point of a blog is to focus on the words and not on the background, but I also didn't want a plain background because that is boring.  I settled on a subtle pattern to add some character to the blog.  I also changed the main section of my blog to white to make my writing visable and easy-to-read.

Color: I already mentioned that I chose a dark color for the background so that it did not distract the reader from the writing but I wanted to add color in places such as the title, links, and header to make the blog look more interesting.  I chose the color blue because along with happy, I am also a very mellow person, and blue happens to be my favorite color.

Font: I wanted the font to match the design that I chose for the rest of the blog so for the title, date, and headers I chose a curly, elegant font called pacifico.  I knew the main purpose of the blog was to share my writing so I chose arial for the normal writing because sans-serif fonts are easier to read on the computer.  Finally, I wanted the titles of my posts to stand out and be easy to read so I chose a plain thick font, Impact. 

Pages: I only have two pages (so far) so I didn't want to have them along the top of the page because it looks odd when they are all of the left side under the title.  I moved them so that they were on the right sidebar so they are still easy to see but they are not the first thing that you notice.  I am going to make a short about me section so the readers can match my words to a face and get to know me a little better.

Other: Along with the pages on my blog I also included a picture, and a blog archive.  I added the picture because my blog was looking dull and I knew I wanted to add something else.  This class has a lot to do with arts and creativity and I believe the picture I chose fits those topics perfectly.  I also chose to add a blog archive so that it would be easy for people to look back and find old posts without having to scroll all the way down the page.

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