Saturday, December 8, 2012

Course Wrap Up

1. Self-Evaluation
I haven’t even been at Penn State for a full semester and I have already learned so much.  One of the things that I have noticed recently is that these semesters go so fast and before I know it, my freshman year of college will be over! This is very scary to think about but this semester has been extremely fun, and I can’t wait to continue learning and experiencing new things.
To start off I learned a lot in the class English 015S alone!  I learned how helpful having other people opinions on your work can be.  The rough draft workshops helped my writing and made sure my final product was one of quality.  Also, most teachers just give you a grade without much feedback, but Ms. S gave so many specific details that enabled me to figure out where I was going wrong in my writing.  Doing a full revision of a paper gave me the idea of what it would like to be a professional writer where you have to edit and revise your work a hundred times before you print the final copy (which I would not enjoy).
 Finally, I learned that it is extremely important to have a focus and a specific audience when you are writing.  I have been given some assignments in the past where I just follow the rubric and just write to get it done.  In this class I learned that you need to start out writing your paper with a goal of what you want your readers to get out of the piece.  When you write something, sometimes it is for your own personal use, like a diary, but when it is shared with other people, you need to keep their interests in your mind as you are writing.
I also learned that you can learn a lot about yourself through writing.  When I first started writing my memoir I knew that my subject was something that had affected me but I wasn’t sure how.  I have always had trouble describing my feelings and beliefs.  As I was writing I actually learned a lot about myself.  I can see why people keep notebooks and journals as a way of expressing their feelings which sometimes might be easier to write down, then to show.
I learned a lot about Penn State and the community as a whole.  I have learned about what it means to be a student at Penn State, not only the academic expectation, but also the social expectations.  Our freshman class is very different than all of the past classes because this is a rebuilding year at Penn State.  We all chose this university even after the scandal had occurred and now we are shaping the “new Penn State”. 
       Overall, I learned that Penn State has so much to offer.   There are so many opportunities and resources that come along with your tuition including the writing center, free student run plays, and amazing teachers.  After going to some of the arts and cultural events, I figured out that these things are inexpensive and entertaining!  Being in English 015S taught me not only English, but also about myself and the University that I attend.

2. Blog Response Round-Up


  1. I really liked how you mentioned that we are the first generation of a "new Penn State." I definitely think that was one of the more important things we talked about in class and it is a responsibility that isn't to be taken lightly.

    And I agree. It's crazy how we're almost 1/8th done with college. What.
